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Availability: 20 In Stock

1-4 players

The Quest for Happiness: KS Promos 1 and 2 include all the additional content generated during The Quest for Happiness participatory fundraising campaign on Kickstarter. This includes more Projects, Objects, Activities and Partners in your games as well as several new mini extensions: Friends, Events, Trends, Animals and Autonomous Professions.

Dimensions (per box): 15.4 x 11.1 x 2.5 cm

Weight (per box): 250g

Made and printed in Germany

Availability: 18 In Stock

2-4 players
Duration of a game: 30-45 min.

You play a group of adventurers on the road to Mount Fuji, the famous Japanese volcano. But just before you reach the goal, the earth begins to shake and the volcano erupts!

Dimensions: 31.5 x 22.5 x 4.5 cm
Weight: 800g

Availability: 2 In Stock

2-4 players
Approx. duration of a game: 90 min.

CUZCO is the third part of the trilogy of masks by the famous authors M. Kiesling and W. Kramer.

It is the new edition of JAVA, which was edited in 2000 between TIKAL and MEXICA. Once again, Supermeeple has taken great care in the material and design of the game for your greatest pleasure.

Weight: 2,4 kg
Dimensions (box): 30 x 30 x 7.5 cm

Availability: 19 In Stock

2-4 players
Duration of a game: 20 minutes per player

A friendly competition is launched within the large Parisian workshop of painters "le Bateau-Lavoir" located in Montmartre to determine who will soon take over the reins and whose name could become as famous as that of one of your illustrious predecessors: Cézanne, Monet, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec...

Original mechanics in an immersive universe with difficult choices at each turn and a permanent tension to finish your paintings as quickly as possible!

Rules of the game in French (there is no text on the material)

Weight: 1.5 kg
Dimensions (box): 35 x 35 x 7 cm

Availability: 2 In Stock

Number of players: 2-5 
Age: 14+
Average duration of a game: 30-60 min

Amun-Re the card game is a game by Reiner Knizia, derived from the famous board game Amun-Re published in 2003 and reissued by Super Meeple notably in 2016. The game takes up the essence of the board game and brings a new hand management mechanic. Each player embodies a pharaoh who will acquire provinces at auction and then build pyramids on them to earn victory points.

Availability: 1 In Stock


1 - 4 players

1 to 2 hours of play

Embody a navigator in the Caribbean in the 17th century!

In the 17th century, three great nations, France, England and Spain, attempted to establish their supremacy in the new lands of the Caribbean.

Each of you will embody privateers who will seek adventure and riches to obtain maximum glory. To achieve this, you will trade and act with the towns and villages, fight on behalf of the nations or explore the islands.

Dimensions : 30 x 30 x 7 cm

Availability: 1 In Stock

1-4 joueurs
30min- 1h de jeu

Gorinto, trouvez l'harmonie et l'équilibre

Un Gorinto est un sanctuaire commémoratif japonais. Ses cinq niveaux symbolisent les cinq éléments qui se combinent pour former une compréhension parfaite. Les éléments collectent l’énergie dans des schémas uniques, vous mettant au défi de trouver la voie idéale vers l’équilibre et l’harmonie. La terre creuse profondément, l’eau coule en abondance, le feu monte haut, le vent souffle librement et le vide se glisse entre les autres. Pouvez-vous acquérir la connaissance dont vous avez besoin pour découvrir la vraie sagesse ?

Availability: 1 In Stock

1-4 players
1-2 hours of play

Dice Hospital is a worker placement game, in which as many patients as possible will have to be treated in order to reassure the local authorities.
Players use their hospital staff to treat patients on their hospital player board. However, players can also call on specialist staff to respond to certain emergency situations that arise and score more points with the authorities!

The game uses worker placement mechanisms for staff, dice to represent patients, a low die score represents a patient in poor health.
In each round, players will score points for each patient they discharge.

At the end of the game, the player with the most points among the patients discharged - minus all deaths - is declared the winner.

Superlude - Alien War

Price CHF15.90
Availability: 2 In Stock

Il n'y a pas si longtemps, dans une galaxie pas si lointaine que ça, des aliens de toutes sortes s'en donnent à coeur joie en se vaporisant joyeusement à grands coups de blasters dans les dents pour savoir lequel d'entre eux aura le privilège de nous envahir !

Dans Alien Wars, vous choisissez votre faction parmi les Cyclopes, les Cochons, les Greenies et autres créatures intersidérales. Disposez ensuite toutes les cartes face cachée sur la table. Tour après tour, chaque joueur révèle une carte. C'est ensuite au propriétaire de la faction à laquelle elle appartient de déclencher son effet. Il peut alors tirer une ou deux fois, regarder 2 cartes face cachée ou détruire une carte pour remettre en jeu l’une de ses cartes déjà hors-jeu.

Contenu : 63 cartes et 1 règle de jeu.

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