Half the size but twice the fun! This original memo game now comes in this bite-sized proportion for quick and easy fun on-the-go!
Toss the dice to see what color you get and try to find the cube that corresponds to the dice. The player who can collect the most cubes is the winner.
2-4 players 3-99 years old Duration of a game : 10 minutes of play
Memory and collection game
With rules in EN - DE - FR - IT - ES - NL
The hedgehog children are playing dress-up. They want to have big spines in their favorite colors. To do this, the players need to draw leaves with the right colored points out of the leaf bag, but be careful! The wind can blow the leaves around so that even leaves you thought were safely yours fly away again! The first player to completely decorate their hedgehog with leaves in their color wins the game.
In the middle of the infinite expanse that is our universe, the navigation systems of the turbo rockets stopped working! Who can still find their way home? Sparkling constellations point the way, and the new mission is: Star Search! Only eagle eyes and a little luck with the dice lets the cleverest astronaut win the race.
Roll the dice in the 3D "throwing dice" farm. Chicken? Cow ? Fruit ? In a great moment of madness, who will be the first to catch the right wooden puck?
With Farmy'up, a game of speed and deduction, the child becomes familiar with the elements of the farm, from the henhouse to the vegetable garden.
Leo's gonna cut his mane off because it's literally going over his head. But Leo hangs around a bit and likes to chat with the animals he meets along the way.
Help Leo get to Bobo the barber before his mane blocks his view!
Content 30 tiles 20 travel cards 1 starting tile Leo's bed 1 finish tile Fauteuil de Bobo 5 pieces of puzzle Leo's Mane 1 clock with one hand 1 wooden Leo figurine
Monza is a car racing game from HABA for cunning players. Six colorful and wooden racing cars are on the starting line for the big race. Whoever gets the right colors with the dice and is smart enough to combine them will advance very fast and win this exciting race. Monza is a first tactical game for children that also teaches them to recognize and name the colours with six colourful dice. With easy-to-understand game rules, this boisterous car race is for the whole family. So get in the racing cars and get going!
La collection JME a été conçue avec l'aide d'une pédopsychiatre. Ces activités sont pensées pour que les parents et leur(s) enfant(s) communiquent. Bien qu'il y ait un aspect ludique, les exercices ont une vocation principalement pédagogique afin de maximiser les bienfaits pour l'enfant. Le rôle du parent est un rôle primordial dans l'échange et l'atteinte de l'objectif visé (dépasser ses peurs, s'endormir paisiblement...).
10 fiches d'activités illustrées
10 jetons "émotions"
1 livret pédagogique
4 crayons de couleur
Dimensions (emballage) : 12 x 5 x 12 cm Pour 1 à 6 joueurs Eco-concept et fabrication en France
Télévision, ordinateur, smartphone, tablette, console… Les écrans font aujourd’hui partie du quotidien de nos enfants. Nombre de parents se sentent démunis et débordés par ce phénomène. Préparer une soirée cinéma en famille ou mettre en place un emploi du temps sont autant d’activités efficaces, ludiques et faciles pour bien gérer les écrans en famille.
10 livrets d'activité
1 guide parental
1 poster « Emploi du temps » avec 96 autocollants
2 dés en bois
Dimensions (emballage) : 17.5 x 13.7 x 4.0 cm Poids : 290g
Trouvez les réponses aux énigmes pour propulser vos jetons sur la piste.
Augmentez votre score, feintez vos adversaires… mais prenez garde aux pièges.
Partez à la découverte du Monde, de la Nature, des Sciences, de l'Histoire et des Arts au travers d'indices drôles et percutants dans un jeu plein de rebondissements, pour toute la famille !
Contenu 1 plateau inclinable 126 cartes 20 palets et 3 plots en bois 1 cache-carte 1 règle de jeu
3D wooden assembly set to build shapes in a creative and geometric way.
U and T shapes allow to create a multitude of 3D or flat constructions. Thick and stable parts allow for sophisticated and balanced creations.
The realization of models requires reflection and gives ideas for new constructions. Alone or in groups, children can give free rein to their imagination, stimulate their spatial representation and fine motor skills in a playful way.
32 beechwood elements (U size: 2 x 3 x 3.9 cm)
1 booklet with models.
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