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Availability: 1 In Stock

For 2-4 players
From 6 years old
About 30 minutes of play

Fun educational game for children and mental exercise for adults

With "Cuboro tricky ways", the board game from Cuboro, you constantly find new and long paths to different destination fields. The longer a path is, the more points it earns. Cuboro, the ingenious marble course system becomes an entertaining board game for the whole family. As for the simple version of the game, in which the tracks lead through the surface channels, children from the age of 6 can already collect lots of points! The full version including the tunnel functions challenges even the toughest puzzle fans and strategists!

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 joueurs
30-45 minutes

Version française

Un nouveau monde… De vastes terres à perte de vue… Votre navire s’engage sur un fleuve dont les rives fertiles constituent votre nouveau foyer. Étendez vos frontières, aménagez votre territoire et exploitez les gisements de ressources afin de construire les différents bâtiments qui feront de votre colonie la plus prestigieuse de la région.

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-5 joueurs
30 – 45 minutes

Bienvenue dans les sixties ! Admirez la vue incroyable depuis l’Empire State Building, le plus haut gratte-ciel du monde, ou promenez-vous dans Central Park. À moins que vous ne préfériez faire du lèche-vitrines entre Times Square et Brooklyn…

Les Aventuriers du Rail est un système de jeu simple et élégant qui plaît aussi bien aux débutants qu’aux joueurs expérimentés. Apprenez les règles en 3 minutes, jouez-y pendant des heures !

Contenu :

  • 1 plateau du réseau de transport new-yorkais
  • 60 Taxis en plastique (15 par couleur)
  • 44 cartes Transport
  • 18 cartes Destination
  • 1 feuillet de règles
  • 1 carnet de score
  • 1 crayon

Djeco - Batasaurus

Price CHF8.90
Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 players
Ages 5 and up
30 seconds - 15 minutes

Here's a great dinosaur-themed card game that gets the whole family thinking strategically! Dinosaur attacks, appropriate responses... A game that combines strategy and memory. The aim is to win as many dinosaur battles as possible. Each player has 12 dinosaur cards in hand, each numbered from 1 to 12 (the number signifying the value of the card). He places his deck face-up in front of him, tries to memorize his cards for 30 seconds and then...

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-3 joueurs

Qui sont les tops dogs ?

Charly, Luly, Charlu… quel est le nom de chien à énoncer pour remporter ce pli?
Quelles syllabes et dans quel ordre?
Pour remporter cette bataille de noms, il faut faire attention de ne pas s’emmêler les pattes!
Availability: 1 In Stock

30mn à 1h

2 à 6 joueur(s)

Dans Aquarium, les joueurs doivent acheter des poissons assortis pour récolter des points... mais à quel prix ?

Croisez les doigts tandis que vos adversaires changent votre offre, ajoutent des poissons, en échangent d’autres, voire en doublent la valeur ! Terminez la partie avec le plus de poissons possibles... si vous parvenez à les maintenir en vie jusque-là !

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 players
Ages 8 and up
10 minutes

Fast, fast, fast! There's no question of taking it easy and rolling balls!

BONK is a fast-paced game of skill that puts nerves to the test. Players - from two to four - simultaneously roll steel balls down slides, trying to reach the wooden target ball and send it into the opponent's goal. You'll need a keen eye and excellent timing, as well as efficient teamwork. BONK is not for the faint-hearted or the trigger-happy. It's a sure bet for fun at family gatherings, parties and other game nights!

Availability: 1 In Stock


2 players
10 minutes

KLASK - an epic magnetic battle. 2 players - Move! Dodge! Attack! Score! The premise of the award-winning magnetic game KLASK is unique, exciting and unlike any other game! This great action-packed clash will have no one in the room stopping to play Move fast but be tactical too: Move with speed and be a tactician: KLASK requires nimble hands and even sharper thinking!

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-5 players
From 6 years old
30 minutes of play

Leo muss zum Friseur! (French and German version)

Leo's gonna cut his mane off because it's literally going over his head. But Leo hangs around a bit and likes to chat with the animals he meets along the way.

Help Leo get to Bobo the barber before his mane blocks his view!

30 tiles
20 travel cards
1 starting tile Leo's bed
1 finish tile Fauteuil de Bobo
5 pieces of puzzle Leo's Mane
1 clock with one hand
1 wooden Leo figurine

Dimensions: 27.6 x 19 x 6.8 cm
Weight: 550g

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