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Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 joueurs
A partir de 13 ans
40-80 min. de jeu

Version française

La reine Himiko a confié une mission prestigieuse à tous ses bâtisseurs : faire de la capitale de Yamataï la perle du royaume. À vous de prendre l’ascendant sur vos concurrents pour construire la plus belle cité en utilisant les ressources apportées par les flottes qui sillonnent l’archipel.

Présentation du jeu Yamatai en vidéo

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 joueurs
30-45 minutes

Version française

Un nouveau monde… De vastes terres à perte de vue… Votre navire s’engage sur un fleuve dont les rives fertiles constituent votre nouveau foyer. Étendez vos frontières, aménagez votre territoire et exploitez les gisements de ressources afin de construire les différents bâtiments qui feront de votre colonie la plus prestigieuse de la région.

Availability: 1 In Stock

For 2-4 players
From 6 years old
About 30 minutes of play

Fun educational game for children and mental exercise for adults

With "Cuboro tricky ways", the board game from Cuboro, you constantly find new and long paths to different destination fields. The longer a path is, the more points it earns. Cuboro, the ingenious marble course system becomes an entertaining board game for the whole family. As for the simple version of the game, in which the tracks lead through the surface channels, children from the age of 6 can already collect lots of points! The full version including the tunnel functions challenges even the toughest puzzle fans and strategists!

Availability: 1 In Stock


A puzzle with patterns... in 3D!

Can you create 3D patterns with the 8 colorful puzzles and their 8 white counterparts? Put your spatial, logic and deduction skills to work as you create cubes with a unique color pattern in each challenge! The clear tray opens to become your game board.

Availability: 1 In Stock

This pre-formed baby sling can be installed very quickly, with no learning curve. It offers the comfort of a sling with the ease of installation of a preformed sling.
Fully adjustable, its installation is simple, immediate and precise.

Intuitive, the Evolubulle pre-formed baby sling can be installed directly and gives parents complete autonomy with both hands. Evolubulle can be carried on the stomach or on the back. The physiological position is ensured with perfect support.

Evolubulle is ideal for walks in the forest, shopping at the market, school outings or sightseeing. It can be carried high on the back for long periods of time.

A matching fabric bag is provided to carry it everywhere!

Can be used from birth to 3/4 years old.

Availability: 1 In Stock


The world tour is at your fingertips. Each piece of the puzzle represents a stage in your global journey. Smells and sounds, encounters and farewells, your adventure is lived across the continents. Taking the time to discover a country at your own pace or crossing the oceans in a few minutes? Everything becomes possible. The other side of the world has never seemed so close!

Puzzle 252 pieces

1 poster included

Size of the puzzle : 68x48cm

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