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  • Brand: Days of Wonder
  • Brand: Filosophia
  • Brand: Hurrican Games
  • Brand: UrbanHello
Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 joueurs
A partir de 13 ans
40-80 min. de jeu

Version française

La reine Himiko a confié une mission prestigieuse à tous ses bâtisseurs : faire de la capitale de Yamataï la perle du royaume. À vous de prendre l’ascendant sur vos concurrents pour construire la plus belle cité en utilisant les ressources apportées par les flottes qui sillonnent l’archipel.

Présentation du jeu Yamatai en vidéo

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 joueurs
30-45 minutes

Version française

Un nouveau monde… De vastes terres à perte de vue… Votre navire s’engage sur un fleuve dont les rives fertiles constituent votre nouveau foyer. Étendez vos frontières, aménagez votre territoire et exploitez les gisements de ressources afin de construire les différents bâtiments qui feront de votre colonie la plus prestigieuse de la région.

Availability: 1 In Stock

13 +
2 players
About 40 minutes

In Haleakala, players assume the roles of Masuakane and her son, Keiki, who cherish the goal of honoring the tradition of their ancestors by offering totems to the Sun. In doing so, they hope to calm his fury and preserve peace on the island.


  •     1 island board
  •     1 scoreboard
  •     1 fishing boat
  •     49 cards
  •     2 shamans
  •     16 statues
  •     2 score markers and 16 discs.
  •     Rule Book
Availability: 1 In Stock

30mn à 1h

2 à 6 joueur(s)

Dans Aquarium, les joueurs doivent acheter des poissons assortis pour récolter des points... mais à quel prix ?

Croisez les doigts tandis que vos adversaires changent votre offre, ajoutent des poissons, en échangent d’autres, voire en doublent la valeur ! Terminez la partie avec le plus de poissons possibles... si vous parvenez à les maintenir en vie jusque-là !

Availability: 7 In Stock

REMI is a babyphone allowing secure listening via the internet, with your smartphone (iOS or Android). There is even a walkie-talkie mode: talk to Baby and reassure him remotely.

It's also a night light, with lullabies and white noise to help baby fall asleep. The brightness is fully adjustable. During the night, you can switch off the REMI wifi on demand.

Above all, it is an intelligent alarm clock: the REMI face tells the child when he can get up and when he should stay in bed or go to bed. This time can be set by the app, according to the child's natural rhythm and habits.

Finally, it is also a Bluetooth speakerphone with 500MB of internal memory to listen to the MP3s of your choice.

Intended for children aged 0 to 10 years

Dimensions: 140 x 105 x 65 mm
Weight: 300g

Availability: 1 In Stock

2 joueurs
30min - 1h

En Inde, les temples jumeaux de deux divinités oubliées renfermant d'antiques reliques viennent d'être découverts. Pour vous emparer de ces trésors, vous devrez traverser un dédale en perpétuel mouvement et affronter votre rival de toujours... Mais attention, rassembler les trois reliques maudite de maléfique Garuda vous serait fatal !

Availability: 11 In Stock

REMI is a babyphone allowing secure listening via the internet, with your smartphone (iOS or Android). There is even a walkie-talkie mode: talk to Baby and reassure him remotely.

It's also a night light, with lullabies and white noise to help baby fall asleep. The brightness is fully adjustable. During the night, you can switch off the REMI wifi on demand.

Above all, it is an intelligent alarm clock: the REMI face tells the child when he can get up and when he should stay in bed or go to bed. This time can be set by the app, according to the child's natural rhythm and habits.

Finally, it is also a Bluetooth speakerphone with 500MB of internal memory to listen to the MP3s of your choice.

Intended for children aged 0 to 10 years

Dimensions: 140 x 105 x 65 mm
Weight: 300g

Availability: 2 In Stock

REMI is a babyphone allowing secure listening via the internet, with your smartphone (iOS or Android). There is even a walkie-talkie mode: talk to Baby and reassure him remotely.

It's also a night light, with lullabies and white noise to help baby fall asleep. The brightness is fully adjustable. During the night, you can switch off the REMI wifi on demand.

Above all, it is an intelligent alarm clock: the REMI face tells the child when he can get up and when he should stay in bed or go to bed. This time can be set by the app, according to the child's natural rhythm and habits.

Finally, it is also a Bluetooth speakerphone with 500MB of internal memory to listen to the MP3s of your choice.

Intended for children aged 0 to 10 years

Dimensions: 140 x 105 x 65 mm
Weight: 300g

Availability: 6 In Stock

REMI is a babyphone allowing secure listening via the internet, with your smartphone (iOS or Android). There is even a walkie-talkie mode: talk to Baby and reassure him remotely.

It's also a night light, with lullabies and white noise to help baby fall asleep. The brightness is fully adjustable. During the night, you can switch off the REMI wifi on demand.

Above all, it is an intelligent alarm clock: the REMI face tells the child when he can get up and when he should stay in bed or go to bed. This time can be set by the app, according to the child's natural rhythm and habits.

Finally, it is also a Bluetooth speakerphone with 500MB of internal memory to listen to the MP3s of your choice.

Intended for children aged 0 to 10 years

Dimensions: 140 x 105 x 65 mm
Weight: 300g

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-5 joueurs
30 – 45 minutes

Bienvenue dans les sixties ! Admirez la vue incroyable depuis l’Empire State Building, le plus haut gratte-ciel du monde, ou promenez-vous dans Central Park. À moins que vous ne préfériez faire du lèche-vitrines entre Times Square et Brooklyn…

Les Aventuriers du Rail est un système de jeu simple et élégant qui plaît aussi bien aux débutants qu’aux joueurs expérimentés. Apprenez les règles en 3 minutes, jouez-y pendant des heures !

Contenu :

  • 1 plateau du réseau de transport new-yorkais
  • 60 Taxis en plastique (15 par couleur)
  • 44 cartes Transport
  • 18 cartes Destination
  • 1 feuillet de règles
  • 1 carnet de score
  • 1 crayon

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  • CHF27.00 - CHF149.00

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