Devinez les intentions de vos adversaires et jouez la bonne carte !
À chaque tour, tout le monde joue simultanément une carte de sa main pour tenter de récupérer celle qui l’intéresse au centre de la table. Les cartes sont classées par ordre croissant, et chacun remporte la carte qui se trouve au niveau de celle qu’il a jouée. La carte que vous gagnez rejoint votre zone de score, en fonction de sa couleur. Mettez la main sur les couleurs associées à vos valeurs les plus élevées pour l’emporter.
Play alone or with the whole family! Strato is an evolving multi-level card game that tests your ability to play with the weather. Control the elements, meet the challenges and win the game! Manipulate the weather elements dictated by each challenge to achieve the required combination before you run out of cards. Place a card in front of you and activate its effect. Move the cards you've already played so that they're in the right place. But be careful: if you don't master the elements well enough, these moves can backfire.
Explore the Swiss National Park with your camera around your neck to photograph animals in their natural habitat. The speckled nutcracker, emblem of the park, the chamois and the red frog await you, offering a unique opportunity to score points in an original way based on the landscape and interactions with your neighbors. Alpina is a strategic game with simple rules. Will you play a card to accumulate more victory points, or take the opportunity to thwart your opponents? Find the card that allows you to juggle both objectives, and victory will be yours!
Le redoutable Mister X et son Organisation mettront bientôt leur plan à exécution, avides de semer chaos et zizanie à travers le monde.
Fort heureusement, la formidable Agence, menée par l’espion Jack Belleville, est prête à tout pour déjouer cette machination ! Mais… attendez…
Et si cette rivalité n’était qu’un écran de fumée ? En coulisse, un complot encore plus grand semble se tramer… Dans l’ombre, une force mystérieuse et solitaire répondant au nom de Shadow paraît être à l’oeuvre. Et ses desseins personnels pourraient bien faire basculer le destin de l’humanité tout entière !
Performing magic requires a great deal of skill, logic, self-confidence and public relations know-how. Djeco's extensive magic assortment familiarizes children with these relatively difficult skills. All sets and accessories have been specially designed for this assortment. Each set includes detailed instructions. Tips and tricks at
The set contains materials developed by professional magicians and designed by Djeco. You'll also find a booklet with clear, precise explanations.
Players have a few seconds to observe the sardines before the card is turned over. The 5 cards placed face down in front of each player are then revealed. If the player recognizes in his game sardines dressed in the same way as those in the can, he wins the card.
Contents: 40 "sardine" cards, 10 "sardine can" cards and the rules of the game (DE, FR, IT, EN)
Pour les gens qui aiment les mimes, mais pas attendre leur tour !
Qui mime me suive est un jeu d'ambiance frénétique dans lequel tout le monde devine et mime en même temps. Faites de la place, éloignez les objets fragiles et lancez vous dans la partie !
Performing magic requires a great deal of skill, logic, self-confidence and public relations know-how. Djeco's extensive magic assortment familiarizes children with these relatively difficult skills. All sets and accessories have been specially designed for this assortment. Each set includes detailed instructions. Tips and tricks at
The set contains materials developed by professional magicians and designed by Djeco. You'll also find a booklet with clear, precise explanations.
A GAME BY BRUNO CATHALA: Created by the famous board game author, Mow combines simplicity and strategy for thrilling games.
AMBIANCE GUARANTEED: Mow is the ideal atmospheric game for evenings out with friends or family, for 2 to 10 players.
SIMPLE, INTUITIVE RULES: Mow's easy-to-understand rules make for a fast-paced game.
OBJECTIVE: AVOID THE FLIES! The aim of the game is to get the cows back to the barn while avoiding the flies hiding there, so as to end up with as few flies as possible.
You're in for a wild night's sleep! As a knight in shining armor, take on your opponents with the one and only accessory available in your bed: a PILLOW! Be observant and quick to make the right move at the right time. But beware of the King of Silence: all bickering is forbidden in his presence! Who will emerge victorious from this wild night of pillow fights?
Contents: 2 pillows, 56 Character cards (7 Sleeping Dragon cards, 7 King of Silence cards, 21 Attacking Knight cards, 21 Defending Knight cards)
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