2-6 joueurs
60min de jeu
Undo est un jeu coopératif et très immersif qui permet à ses joueurs d'influencer le passé pour changer l'avenir.
Contenu :
25 grandes cartes
60 cartes
Format boite : L150 x H100 x P39 cm
There are 302 products.
2-6 joueurs
60min de jeu
Undo est un jeu coopératif et très immersif qui permet à ses joueurs d'influencer le passé pour changer l'avenir.
Contenu :
25 grandes cartes
60 cartes
Format boite : L150 x H100 x P39 cm
2-6 joueurs
60min de jeu
Undo est un jeu coopératif et très immersif qui permet à ses joueurs d'influencer le passé pour changer l'avenir.
Contenu :
25 grandes cartes
60 cartes
Format boite : L150 x H100 x P39 cm
2-4 players
30min game
It's time for the big annual barrel bowling!
As every year, the Viking valley hosts the annual barrel bowling. The players embody the valiant Vikings who had the audacity to enter the competition.
With the help of a ball, the players will have to knock down the right barrels and skilfully position the Vikings on the pier to grab the precious gold coins.
And the winner is ...
When all the coins from the reserve have been distributed, the game is over. Players can then count their coins. The player with
the more pieces win the game and become the Chief of the Viking Valley.
6+ years old
2-4 players
20min game
Prediction game
Damn it! The nest containing the dragon's egg and sparkling stones is trapped in a frozen column! Players help the mother dragon to remove the thick layer of ice, but without dropping the egg! Once collected and placed on the players' amulets, the sparkling stones that fall from the nest earn points. The winner will be the player with the most points.
A game in its own right with a new rule
To be combined with "Ice Treasure" (303404) to play with 5 players and according to new rules.
The different kits allow you to explore all sorts of areas, from the human skeleton to tornadoes, including the operation of a padlock, lungs and a security alarm. Your loutrons will learn how vision is formed in the back of the eye, discover what you see through X-rays, build a pretty kaleidoscope, take fingerprints and understand how to animate an image. And all this while having fun!
All kits include:
Dimensions of each box: 16.5 x 6 x 21.5 cm
Made in Hong Kong
2-4 players
6 years and up
20 minutes
Find the constellations quickly
In the middle of the infinite expanse that is our universe, the navigation systems of the turbo rockets stopped working! Who can still find their way home? Sparkling constellations point the way, and the new mission is: Star Search! Only eagle eyes and a little luck with the dice lets the cleverest astronaut win the race.
With rules in EN - DE - FR - IT - ES - NL
2-6 players
5-99 years
10-15 minutes of play
A fast and tactical racing game!
Monza is a car racing game from HABA for cunning players. Six colorful and wooden racing cars are on the starting line for the big race. Whoever gets the right colors with the dice and is smart enough to combine them will advance very fast and win this exciting race. Monza is a first tactical game for children that also teaches them to recognize and name the colours with six colourful dice. With easy-to-understand game rules, this boisterous car race is for the whole family. So get in the racing cars and get going!
2 joueurs
30min - 1h
En Inde, les temples jumeaux de deux divinités oubliées renfermant d'antiques reliques viennent d'être découverts. Pour vous emparer de ces trésors, vous devrez traverser un dédale en perpétuel mouvement et affronter votre rival de toujours... Mais attention, rassembler les trois reliques maudite de maléfique Garuda vous serait fatal !
1-4 joueurs
Niveau confirmé.
1-4 joueurs
= Advanced level
Great adventures that fit in your pocket!
INSIDE3 Legend immerses you in mythical worlds and stories. Become a knight and go in search of one of the hidden treasures of the Templars, transform yourself into a Ninja to steal a Katana forged by the famous Masamune, or become a vampire hunter...
3 different games for 3 levels of difficulty, each one combining skill and reflection.
Dimensions: 10.5 x 7 x 2 cm
Weight: 80g
Materials: metal ball, high quality ABS plastic
Not suitable for children under 8 years of age.
Developed and manufactured in France
= Intermediate levelGreat adventures that fit in your pocket!
INSIDE3 Legend immerses you in mythical worlds and stories. Become a knight and go in search of one of the hidden treasures of the Templars, transform yourself into a Ninja to steal a Katana forged by the famous Masamune, or become a vampire hunter...
3 different games for 3 levels of difficulty, each one combining skill and reflection.
Dimensions: 10.5 x 7 x 2 cm
Weight: 80g
Materials: metal ball, high quality ABS plastic
Not suitable for children under 8 years of age.
Developed and manufactured in France