2-6 players
Age 3 ans up
15 minutes
In Ravensburger Kinder memory®, a ghost appears here and a colorful fish there. The aim of the game is to win the most pairs of cards. To do this, the players have to remember where the two cards with the same picture are. Whoever reveals a matching pair of cards may keep them and reveal 2 more cards. Whoever has collected the most pairs at the end wins the game. Concentration and a good memory are required to find the matching pairs of pictures.
Contents: 48 cards (24 pairs of pictures)
Made in Europe
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2-6 players
Age 3 ans up
15 minutes
In Ravensburger Kinder memory®, a ghost appears here and a colorful fish there. The aim of the game is to win the most pairs of cards. To do this, the players have to remember where the two cards with the same picture are. Whoever reveals a matching pair of cards may keep them and reveal 2 more cards. Whoever has collected the most pairs at the end wins the game. Concentration and a good memory are required to find the matching pairs of pictures.
Contents: 48 cards (24 pairs of pictures)
Made in Europe
2-6 players
Age 3 ans up
15 minutes
In Ravensburger Kinder memory®, a ghost appears here and a colorful fish there. The aim of the game is to win the most pairs of cards. To do this, the players have to remember where the two cards with the same picture are. Whoever reveals a matching pair of cards may keep them and reveal 2 more cards. Whoever has collected the most pairs at the end wins the game. Concentration and a good memory are required to find the matching pairs of pictures.
Contents: 48 cards (24 pairs of pictures)
Made in Europe
3-6 ans
1 joueur
48 défis
Fort de son thème universel, tiré du conte du même nom, les Trois Petits Cochons de Smart ne dérogent pas à la règle : ils se méfient du loup qui veut les manger tout cru... 2 manières de jouer sont proposées, chacune avec 4 niveaux de difficulté.
2-4 players
5 to 10 minutes of play
Here are the ingredients needed to make all your dishes a success: a good dose of classification, a big spoonful of puzzle solving and a big pinch of memory!
In this collection of 3 games, children practice recognizing and naming the different ingredients, guess which one the others prefer or memorize a recipe.
Turn after turn, children enrich their vocabulary and improve their communication while having fun cooking!
Dinner is ready! Let's eat!
Made in Germany by Haba
Strengths & details
Kinetic sand is the original magical, sheathing and fascinating sand with a wow effect for the interior. It flows through the hands, can be shaped and modeled perfectly and does not dry out, so that the fun of playing never stops. Kneading, mixing, cutting or shaping promotes the sense of touch and fine motor and contributes to creativity. Thanks to the unique Kinetic Sand formula, in which the sand adheres to itself and not to the hands, the figures retain their shape when playing and clean up is as easy as 1-2-3.
1-4 joueurs
7 ans
25 minutes
Raconte-nous une histoire !
Gardiens des saisons est un jeu coopératif et familial composé de 5 aventures rejouables.
Chacune comporte une histoire, des rencontres et des missions spéciales. Récoltez les objets dans les cachettes, passez d’une saison à l’autre grâce aux portails, mais ne tardez pas, le loup rôde !
1 plateau-livre,
1 pupitre et 48 cartes Déplacement,
90 cartes Aventure réparties en 5 enveloppes,
4 pions Gardien et 1 pion Loup,
4 jetons Saison,
4 cartes Gardien et 1 carte Coffre,
2 cartes Aide de jeu,
12 cartes Objet
2-6 players
5-99 years
10-15 minutes of play
A fast and tactical racing game!
Monza is a car racing game from HABA for cunning players. Six colorful and wooden racing cars are on the starting line for the big race. Whoever gets the right colors with the dice and is smart enough to combine them will advance very fast and win this exciting race. Monza is a first tactical game for children that also teaches them to recognize and name the colours with six colourful dice. With easy-to-understand game rules, this boisterous car race is for the whole family. So get in the racing cars and get going!
2-5 joueurs
A partir de 4 ans
15 minutes
Les joueurs du Monstre des Couleurs collaborent pour aider le Monstre à comprendre ses émotions.
A tour de rôle, ils lancent le dé qui leur permet de déplacer le Monstre autour du plateau. Lorsque le Monstre se rend dans un espace avec un jeton d'émotion, le joueur peut le ramasser et chercher le bon pot. Les pots sont tous placés sur des étagères avec leurs couleurs cachées.
2 years and over
1-4 players
10 minutes
There's so much to discover in the forest! But where are Caesar the deer, Lulu the dormouse and all their friends hiding? In these two different games, children practice identifying and naming animals, plants and everything else in the forest. By correctly memorizing where the forest's inhabitants are hiding, help Sarah the mouse find her friends.
2-4 players
3-99 years old
Duration of a game : 10 minutes of play
Memory and collection game
With rules in EN - DE - FR - IT - ES - NL
The hedgehog children are playing dress-up. They want to have big spines in their favorite colors. To do this, the players need to draw leaves with the right colored points out of the leaf bag, but be careful! The wind can blow the leaves around so that even leaves you thought were safely yours fly away again! The first player to completely decorate their hedgehog with leaves in their color wins the game.
3-99 years
1-2 players
3D wooden assembly set to build shapes in a creative and geometric way.
U and T shapes allow to create a multitude of 3D or flat constructions. Thick and stable parts allow for sophisticated and balanced creations.
The realization of models requires reflection and gives ideas for new constructions. Alone or in groups, children can give free rein to their imagination, stimulate their spatial representation and fine motor skills in a playful way.
Water-stained solid wood balancing game made of a pink flamingo with a removable wing and 10 baby flamingos!
From 2 players: you have to distribute the chicks on the wings, each in turn, without dropping them. Whoever puts down the extra chick, has lost!
Wooden game (cherry wood for the coloured pieces and beech wood for the natural pieces). Water-based paint.
Dès 6 ans
La collection JME a été conçue avec l'aide d'une pédopsychiatre.
Ces activités sont pensées pour que les parents et leur(s) enfant(s) communiquent. Bien qu'il y ait un aspect ludique, les exercices ont une vocation principalement pédagogique afin de maximiser les bienfaits pour l'enfant. Le rôle du parent est un rôle primordial dans l'échange et l'atteinte de l'objectif visé (dépasser ses peurs, s'endormir paisiblement...).
Dimensions (emballage) : 12 x 5 x 12 cm
Pour 1 à 6 joueurs
Eco-concept et fabrication en France
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