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Availability: 1 In Stock

1-4 joueurs
A partir de 13 ans
60 minutes

Dans une course contre la montre, vous explorez les rues périchonnes de New York, à la recherche du président ! Escape from New York est une adaptation du film de John Carpenter du même nom, dans lequel vous incarnez Snake, Brain, Maggie ou Cabbie et tentez de sauver le président et sa précieuse cassette afin de les mettre en sécurité, tout en affrontant les gangs de la prison la plus dangereuse du monde.

Escape From New York est un jeu deck building semi-coopératif, de 1 à 4 joueurs, dès 13 ans, pour des parties de 60 minutes environ, édité par Matagot.

Availability: 1 In Stock

1-4 joueurs
A partir de 10 ans
30 minutes

Concevez les paysages les plus harmonieux...
Harmonies est un jeu de stratégie et de plateau pour 1 à 4 joueurs. Dans ce jeu de société, vous allez créer des habitats en optimisant et en combinant des paysages naturels (montagnes, rivières) pour attirer un maximum d'espèce sur votre plateau.

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-5 joueurs
A partir de 10 ans
10 minutes

L’académie des mages va fermer pour tout l’été. Le dernier jour, vous êtes tombés sur un livre intriguant : « Les Engins Aériens Explosifs Magiques Récréatifs et Vous, Volume un ». Des feux d’artifice magiques ? Bon sang, mais c’est bien sûr ! Fireworks est un jeu coopératif et dynamique.

Availability: 1 In Stock

Many of you asked us for a "bike bag", so we made one. It's called POW, it's 25L, attaches to the bike with the same Velcro system and closes with a magnetic flap. It has a large, padded 15" laptop pocket and another small interior pocket. We've even integrated reflective strips for night-time use.

The ideal tote bag for urban cyclists who need to carry all their stuff!

Availability: 1 In Stock

Many of you asked us for a "bike bag", so we made one. It's called POW, it's 25L, attaches to the bike with the same Velcro system and closes with a magnetic flap. It has a large, padded 15" laptop pocket and another small interior pocket. We've even integrated reflective strips for night-time use.

The ideal tote bag for urban cyclists who need to carry all their stuff!

Availability: 1 In Stock

Many of you asked us for a "bike bag", so we made one. It's called POW, it's 25L, attaches to the bike with the same Velcro system and closes with a magnetic flap. It has a large, padded 15" laptop pocket and another small interior pocket. We've even integrated reflective strips for night-time use.

The ideal tote bag for urban cyclists who need to carry all their stuff!

Availability: 1 In Stock

The STUFF POUCH, is a small tote bag designed to carry the essentials according to your needs: handbag, shoulder bag, mini changing bag, banana bag, pencil case, toiletries kit, travel pouch (passports), "vide-poches" or stroller organizer (with LARK STRAP attachments). It's up to you to choose what it will carry.  


  • Holds up to 3 size 6 diapers and wipes
  • Two interior compartments
  • Removable and adjustable shoulder strap (included)
  • Carabiner (included)
  • Machine washable

More information in the video

Availability: 1 In Stock

The PIHA has been designed to adapt to all your outdoor and urban activities, on foot or by bike.

Use it as a technical fanny pack for hiking, mountain biking or cross-country skiing.
Wear it as a shoulder bag for a more fashionable look.
To be fixed directly on the handlebars of your bike for your Gravel or city tours.
Hang it on the stroller or buggy to use it as a changing bag.

Its roll-top design allows you to adjust the content (from 3 to 6 liters) according to your needs. Waterproof, you can take it on all your adventures, even the most extreme!

Availability: 1 In Stock

2-4 players
Ages 10 and up
30 minutes

In Knarr, you are the leader of a band of Vikings who you send to new destinations. Manage the recruitment of your crew and choose the best territories to explore in this accessible and engaging game.

Designed for children aged 8 and over, the Knarr strategy board game is perfect for young players and families. Experience epic adventures in a captivating Viking universe accessible to all.

Availability: 1 In Stock

This large fanny pack has been designed to carry all your gear (water bottle, umbrella, headphones, hat or book...). You'll love its large zipped opening (double slider), hidden back pocket (phone) and large inner mesh pocket (both zipped).

A wide, adjustable strap lets you wear it in a variety of ways.

Made from the same durable, waterproof material as the rest of the range (bluesign-certified, PFC-free, 100% recycled nylon) and “waterproof” zips. And for minimalist parents, HOÏAN bananas can also be attached to the stroller (with Lark Straps, to be purchased separately)!

Availability: 1 In Stock

This large fanny pack has been designed to carry all your gear (water bottle, umbrella, headphones, hat or book...). You'll love its large zipped opening (double slider), hidden back pocket (phone) and large inner mesh pocket (both zipped).

A wide, adjustable strap lets you wear it in a variety of ways.

Made from the same durable, waterproof material as the rest of the range (bluesign-certified, PFC-free, 100% recycled nylon) and “waterproof” zips. And for minimalist parents, HOÏAN bananas can also be attached to the stroller (with Lark Straps, to be purchased separately)!

Availability: 1 In Stock

1-6 joueurs
A partir de 14 ans
60 min. de jeu

Ambitionnant de bâtir un nouveau village, le Roi Pour Toujours a choisi d’envoyer six de ses sujets. Chacun utilisera son savoir-faire spécifique pour aménager son terrain. Dans Charterstone, un jeu Legacy compétitif, vous construisez et habitez un même village. Les bâtiments sont représentés sur des autocollants, prélevés sur des cartes, qui sont collés de manière permanente sur le plateau de jeu. Ils deviennent alors autant d’emplacements utilisables par les joueurs. Ainsi, les quelques constructions possibles se muent en un village florissant, regorgeant de possibilités d’actions !

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